A Taste of the World's
Multicultural Fall Bounty Experiences:
Multicultural Fall Bounty Experiences:
Celebrate Fall bounty connected with 200 years of immigration waves within multicultural Kensington Market/ residential quarters past and present with culinary historian Shirley Lum! We will pay homage to the founding family with a cheese from that area (as well as artisanal cheeses to give you a true cross-Canada tasting). There will be equal portions of food for thought and the palate! NOTE: Do NOT eat breakfast prior to the tour for the fullest enjoyment of this food tour! NOTE II: I'll be winding down in the month of November but stay tuned for the holiday food tours in December.... Yes, the ever popular Kensington Festive Foodies Roots Walk returns on December 1, 8, 15, 2012 and we will celebrate ALL the Festival of Lights holidays - Diwali, Winter Solstice, Channukah, Christmas and Kwanzaa. Stay tuned!
Dates & Time: Sat. OCT 20, NOV. 3, 2012 9:30 AM-1:00 PM
Fees ($CAD: incl pre-ordered food & drinks): Adult $45 SR/ST $40 Child $30
Meet: Red Pole with Black Cat, 350 Spadina Ave/St Andrew St (1 bl N of Dundas St W)
Pre-register: (416) 923-6813 or info@TorontoWalksBikes.com
Celebrate and savour the Fall harvest! Go behind-the-scenes with culinary historian Shirley Lum! Sit back and enjoy hosted dim sum, complete with Chinese Horoscope Book plus review of chopsticks and tea pouring etiquettes. After this treat for all the senses, we head off to an Asian grocery store for a tour complete with a bi-lingual shopping list we provide to our guests. Ever wondered where's Toronto's 1st Chinatown? Find out at the finale in one of the oldest Chinese bakery as we sip hot tea and delicious traditional and contemporary pastries.
Fees ($CAD; incl pre-ordered food & drinks): Adult $45 SR/ST $40 Child $30
Meet: Lucky Moose Statue, 393 Dundas St W/Beverley St
Pre-register: (416) 923-6813 or info@TorontoWalksBikes.com
A Taste of the World's 12th annual
Toronto Hall❍ween Experiences:

Limit: 13 spots each night
SAT OCT 20, 27, 2012 6:30-9:00 PM
Fees ($CAD: incl snacks): Adult $25 SR/ST $18 CHILD $15
Meet: Red Pole with Black Cat, 350 Spadina Ave/St Andrew St (1 bl N of Dundas St W)
Pre-register: (416) 923-6813 or info@TorontoWalksBikes.com
Ghost tour with eerie tales and vibes connected with a lost public hanging square, jails and vaudeville theatres in the St. Lawrence Market, Old Theatre District & Financial District. Bram Stoker fans will delight in his connections with a very haunted lost theatre! We will share our own accounts of hair-raising paranormal sightings over the 12 years at the famous FIrst Mayor's home-turned-museum. Eaton's Centre is the spine-chilling Finale! NOTE: Young Children must be accompanied by an adult due to strong paranormal activities at the lost public hanging square. Limit 13 spots each night.
Fees ($CAD: incl pre-ordered snacks): Adult $25 SR/ST $18 CHILD $15
Meet: St Lawrence Market's middle door, 93 Front St E.
Pre-register: (416) 923-6813 or info@TorontoWalksBikes.com
This popular ghost tour starts at the ROM, and by the time we back there, we'll have you wondering who is dead or living on the tour! Yorkville Village is famous for its equal number of hair salon, art galleries, and some expensive haunted sites. Planning on entering politics or attending university some day? You might think twice chance after this attending this ghost walk. Warning: time permitting, we go into one famous university building after sharing the legend, we'll give you a chance to try "paranormal CSI". Ideal for adults and kids!
Limit 13 spots each night.
Fees ($CAD: incl snacks): Adult $25 SR/ST $18 CHILD $15
Meet: ROM, steps between the 2 Marble Lions, 100 Queen's Park Circle
Pre-register: (416) 923-6813 or info@TorontoWalksBikes.com
Limit 13 spots each night
Fees ($CAD: incl pre-ordered snacks): Adult $25 SR/ST $18 CHILD $15
Meet: Old City Hall, front steps, 60 Queen St W/Bay St.
Pre-register: (416) 923-6813 or info@TorontoWalksBikes.com
Ignorance can be bliss...
You'll never look at Toronto again the same way
after a spooky ghost walk or a foodie tour ....
So join fellow foodies &/or ghostologists!
So join fellow foodies &/or ghostologists!
Stay tuned as we wrap-up in December 2012
and then gear up for our
20th anniversary celebrations in 2013!