Wednesday, April 24, 2013

4 Ways to Savour Haunted Toronto: Eerie May Equinox Ghost Walks

Is Toronto the meeting place for the living, or...the dead?  Each of my Toronto neighbourhood ghost walks starts off with that eerie kicker and we wrap up the night, asking each other the question again.

As Earth comes back to life this Spring, spirits of the dead will begin to stir in anticipation of May 1st, a halfway-point to Halloween celebration of old tradition. Several nights before and after May 1st are devoted to the supernatural, when the door to the Other Side has been known to creak open and reveal the shadowy realm of ghosts and spirits.
Comforting treats on Haunted Kensington,
Chinatown & The Grange Walk
Don't wait for a dark stormy night around Halloween to find out on one or all four of A Taste of the World's eerie neighbourhood ghost walks, whether Toronto lives up to its old Huron tribe's name. Since launching a trio of ghost walks in 2000 (fourth ghost walk was added around Halloween 2003 due to popular demand), we've discovered with our guests that there's another period of optimal sightings! Yes, we've had folks who'd try a ghost walk in late October, and be contacted when the veil between dark and light was the thinnest, making it "easier" to be contacted. These same folks would return six months later on the very same tour, and sure enough, they'd be contacted at the same site... Already feeling a chill go down your spine similar to childhood camp fire experiences with haunting legends? Remember clinching your hot chocolate, and noshing on comfort food as you took turns telling creepy, hair-raising ghost stories? Well, your guide will dole out accounts of actual sightings on past tours with snacks that will sooth your sweet tooth and soul (hint: this give us an excuse to go into haunted spots).

Just think... not one but four eerie ghost walk experiences under the full moon, whether you're a longtime Toronto resident, newcomer or seasoned traveler... By the way, we highly recommend bringing along your digital cameras  - as you might end up with a bonus or two aside re-discovering Toronto carved in stone!

Ghosts, Greasepaint & Gallows Walk

Sneak peek at the May Equinox Toronto Ghost Walks schedule:

 Ghosts, Greasepaint & Gallows Walk Fri. April 26th, 2013 6:30-9:00pm
  Highlights: Strong vibes from the lost public hanging square; site of Grand Opera; and Toronto's First Mayor's Home 
 Starts: St Lawrence Market
 Ends: Eaton's Centre

 Haunted Yorkville, U of T & Queen's Park Walk Tues. April 30th 6:30-9:00pm

  Highlights: old Christie Mansion; tracing last steps of tragic chase in famous lecture hall
 Starts/Ends: ROM's steps between 2 marble Lions

 Haunted Kensington, Chinatown & The Grange Walk  Thurs. May 2nd 6:30-9:00pm

 Highlights: Vintage shop, old abandoned church
  Starts: Red Pole with Black Cat on Yellow Chair, 350 Spadina Ave/St Andrew St

  Ends: AGO

 Phantoms, Players & Pundits Walk   Fri. May 3rd 6:30-9:00pm

Highlights:  strong vibes at the forgotten public hanging square
  Starts/Ends: Old City Hall's front steps, 60 Queen St W

See details of Ghost Walks, and pre-register via Events at A Taste of the World's FaceBook page or send us an email or call us (416) 923-6813

Haunted Yorkville, U of T & Queen's Park Walk